Molly hinted that she felt I may be at an advantage consider my online name is 'Cupcake'.
I will be honest that I went into this challenge feeling confident with my baking prowess and I think my over cocky attitude was seen by the baking gods as a sign of blasphemy which they expressed by way of my macaroons.I used the same recipe as Molly (you can see her fabulous macaroon post & the recipe we used here) which is from Sorted (three/four adorable British men baking simple and delicious recipes).
The baking started off well and I had everything that I needed.
Ingredients, a recipe, confidence..
I separated and whisked my whites like I had done many times before..

I added the sugar and beat the shizzle wizzle out of it until soft peaks formed..

Then I sifted the flour and icing sugar and started to fold.. this is when things took a turn...
I COULDN'T KEEP THE AIR IN! The more I folded the more dense I could feel the mixture getting, but it still wasn't totally combined.. I HAD TO KEEP GOING! I paid the price for over mixing and coloured my shameful macaroons accordingly.

By this stage things were critical.. my spawn were arguing, the dog was barking, I had a sugar-induced headache and I could hear my Galah yelling F*@K OFF from outside. Piping was done with no love. THESE MACAROONS ARE LOVELESS.

Baked. Cooled. Attempted removal requiring an urgent geek-console with Molly.

For the icing I decided a simple purple vanilla. Then it was time for the taste test.

Oh my goodness they are amazing, I can't believe how well they turned out! Now let us never speak of this again. Despite how amazing mine are, Molly definitely won this round.
PS: I am sure you have all noticed the photographic differences between all those pictures and the last? They failed. They ended up silver and stuck to the paper like a symbiotic alien to its human host. I tried to make something out of what I could salvage, I call them 'Cupcake's Own Macafail Saucers'. They also taste disgusting (hence the marshmallows). I think I'll stick to cupcakes.