Monday, 20 May 2013

Fandom - Molly Skywalker

This segment will feature some other geek ladies who will open up their hearts, minds and fandoms and share with us the story behind their own different fandoms and the history behind them.

Name: Molly Skywalker

Website: Here @ The Curiosity Complex and also The Princess & The Geek

Tell us a little about yourself... 26 years old, Australian. I've been blogging for AGES! I've always identified as a Geek, and I'm constantly called "Weird" but it doesn't bother me. I love stuff.  I'm a movie geek first, then a science geek. I love nature and facts and learning things. I'm constantly thinking about stuff. My mind is pretty crazy. :)

What are you current fandoms? Harry Potter (always), Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (they're the SAME Fandom!), Star Trek, Game Of Thrones, Minecraft (that's a fandom, right?)

What fandom would you consider yourself most attached to? Harry Potter, I'm not a in your face sort of fangirl, so it's not well known with my "real life" friends that I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd. I think it sticks with me the most... It's also the fandom I've probably spent the most money on :D

Do you remember when you first discovered it? The books. The release of the 3rd book, The Prisoner of Azkaban. I didn't know it was a series and read that one first! Then they announced the movies. I was the first person in my small city to get book 5, 6 and 7.

Do you own anything from the fandom? [insert picture perhaps] Ah, yeah! Books, action figures, DVDs and Blu-rays, Posters, Wands, Coins, I flew across the country to go to the Harry Potter exhibition, a weird obsession with Fenrir Greyback!

What was your first fandom? Lord of the Rings. I was a little late to the fandom party. It started with my sister and I wanting to go to the movies and not knowing what to see, so we went to see Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, and it started there. I had read The Hobbit, but not LOTRs, but after seeing the first film I was in. Action figures, books, magazine cut outs, inapropiate crushes of cast members (looking at you Orlando Bloom) and the discovery of my favouritest actor in the whole Universe, Karl Urban.

Who is your main fandom influence [ie who got you into fandoms]? My parents. Mum is a big sci-fi nerd and dad loves books and tv series about nature and science. They are a big influence on the way my fandoms have developed. Also my sisters, I get them into Fandoms, and they get me into Fandoms. Then my friends and the internet. I like to have my own opinions, and I won't let people bully me into liking things (and not liking things), and most of my Fandoms do interconnect to each other.

Have you met anyone attached to any of your Fandoms [actors, authors, creators etc.]? Oh, yeah! But the most important person, the only one I actually really care about is Karl Urban. Not very many people get the opportunity to meet their favouritest actor. I was lucky enough to. I met him at Supanova in 2008, while he was promoting Star Trek. I got a signed photo of him as Dr. Mccoy in Star Trek (complete with my name and awesome grammar fail!) and a photo with him [even if I look like a complete spazz, I don't care]

Anything else to add [fandom related picspams are welcome]

Honorable Mentions [Fandoms not mentioned, but deserve mentions] Doctor Who, Sherlock, The Avengers, Cats (cats are a freaking fandom! Just ask anyone on Tumblr!), Adventure Time, BEING AWESOME!


Stay tuned for Cupcake Stormageddons Fandom post. If you would like to get involved send us an email at admin[at] or just leave us a comment!

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Geeky Goodies - Red Velvet Cupcake

1 large egg
buttermilk (120ml)
1 tbsp of white wine vinegar
1 tsp of vanilla essence
2 tbsp of red food colouring (30ml)
sunflower oil (180ml)
self raising flour (200g)
caster sugar (225g)
1 heaped tsp of cocoa powder
pinch of salt


Combine wet ingredients
Egg, Buttermilk, Vanilla and Vinegar (the Vinegar keeps the Red, super bright)

 Add the dry ingredients, and mix together

Add the red food colouring (you need quite a bit)
I found out that you can also use other colours and make "Green Velvet Cake" and Blue, or even Black.

Transfer the mix into cake tin.
Yes I realise its a little messy!

Cook for 25 minutes

Red Velvet CAKE!

Iced with Cream Cheese frosting.
which is really simple.
Cream cheese and icing sugar, mixed together until smooth and creamy.
