Friday, 13 April 2012

The Cookie Complex

Good evening!

I had no idea what to do my first review on, then I decided to bake cookies...

The Best Rolled Sugar Cookie - Recipe Review

I bake quite often.
I make cupcakes and sweets.
Cookies not so much.

This recipe made about 40 cookies all up.
I did tweak the recipe slightly in that I used self raising flour and omitted the baking soda and I probably added around an extra cup of flour as the dough was way too sticky, such a level of sticky had never been encountered before in my lifetime! The cookies ended up taking 10 - 15 minutes to bake to a light golden brown, I think that was because I cut them quite thick. I also didn't ice them because I was short on time.

I took all 40 to my mum's wake today and within about an hour there were none left. Everybody loved them and I shared the recipe around to a few people. I, personally, thought they were a little dry and lacking in flavour. I imagine they would of been better with the icing, but you can't argue with the consensus right?

All in all I would recommend this recipe, it is easy enough to follow, the end result is apparently delicious and a crowd pleaser. I can imagine them being perfect for making as part of a take home party bag at a kids party or even to just make awesome geeky shapes with them for a party. Cookies ARE party food OK?!

This is the part where I would usually share a photo but two things happened when I wanted to take photos. I was first going to take a photo whilst I was making them, but things got a little sticky. I was then going to take a photo at the wake, but by the time I got around to having time to take one - they were gone. They were cat shaped and displayed in a Tupperware container. I will instead share with you a highly unrelated and hilarious image I came across on the internet today.

(I like space (I am partial to the beauty of nebulae) and cats. WHAT OF IT?)

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